Women's Services
About Us
The WOMEN'S RIGHTS INFORMATION CENTER is a place for women in transition to gain career, life and resource-building skills that can change the direction of their economic futures for the better. Our goal is to promote a high quality of life for women as independent earners and self-sufficient members of the community.
The Center was organized in 1973 in response to the needs of women caught up in a changing society to put themselves and their lives in order, to provide for their families, to regain self-esteem, to become informed about their legal rights and the resources available to them, to become economically self-sufficient in order to support themselves and their families.
The Center believes in helping women to help themselves by providing a clearing house of reliable facts for informed decision making, drop-in or phone-in peer counseling, and a variety of educational, training, practical and life-enhancing programs in a supportive environment.