Charter SchoolsPublic Schools
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EPCS is located next to the St. Cecilia's Church in Englewood, New Jersey.
About Us
EPCS empowers children with both the knowledge and flexibility to adapt and help shape our ever-changing world.
Critical thinking, communication as well as solid basic academic skills are vital to children's success. I hear and I forget; I see and I remember; I do and I understand. In keeping with that old adage, the charter school seeks to empower children in their construction of knowledge. Key areas of ongoing concentration are parental involvement, basic skills mastery and fluency, critical thinking, and classrooms that are safe for risk taking; which models skills for collaboration, interdependence, democracy, conflict, resolution, negotiation, and mediation.
Respect is the thread that holds the school together; respect for one another, respect for diversity, respect for uniqueness, respect for the materials we use and respect for our work. Children and teachers work in an environment in which they are valued, and they value one another.
Class Size
EPCS educates children in grades Kindergarten through eight. There are just 18 children in each class and two classes per grade level. Each class in grades K to 2 has a teacher aid.
This 18:1 student teacher ratio is an important part of our approach, allowing the teacher to spend more time on each student's individual requirements.